Wednesday, July 15, 2015

{Dear Baby} Twenty-One

Dear Baby,

Happy 21 months old! Just a quarter more to being two!
So fast, baby. So fast.

You are still our feisty little girl, if not more.
"No. Mama cannot."
"Read this book."

And a cheeky one. You have started to call me "Mummy...!" in the sweetest voice  when you need a favour from me. It's usually "Mama".

You are also getting quite independent.
Other than the usual chores we are doing, you now insist on putting on your clothes by yourself. That sometimes takes us quite a bit of time and makes me panick a little, especially when we are getting ready to go out. But I'll have to let you try.
You've also learnt to brush your own teeth and Mummy has finally found a toothbrush that is suitable for you.

You love your plush toys. Especially Mickey and Minnie.
When you are over at popo's, you carry the huge Mickey plushie that Jeanne jiejie gave you.
At home, it's still Maomao and Minnie who are the favourites. It's adorable to see you giving them long kisses when we finally return home after spending a couple of days over at grandma's.

You are our little drama-baby.
You pout.
You frown.
You laugh out loud.
You give the super cheeky look that anyone will know that you are up to some mischief.
You like to make me sing random songs by giving me a keyword. Once, you give me "mermaid". When I asked you how I'm supposed to sing it, you went "mermaid, mermaid." So I told you to sing "popo went to the market" too. You stared at me and gave me a "seriously mom?!" look. I probably shouldn't laugh but I did.
And your smiles. Have I ever told you ou have the sweetest smiles? 

You're still as chatty, my little baby, if not more!
We catch you mumbling to your stuff toys and sometimes, yourself. Most of the time, we can't make out what you said because you are so soft, but it's definitely fun to watch you start having conversations with family and friends.

You now understand left, right, up, down, in front and beside. One day you wanted me too put the tingkat beside you on the bus and you went "Pi-sai!!!" so loudly. I sat, a little embarrassed for a moment, thinking why you would shout out 'nose shit!"
Whoever taught you that?!
Then you pointed to the space beside you and repeated, "Pi-sai..."

We also discovered that you are able to sing the complete version of some songs, albeit some mispronunciations. That day you sang verses from "Incy Wincy Spider" and I didn't even know you know the song!

Some of my favourite phrases now:
We measured your height one day and popo made a mark on the wall. You will sometimes walk to that wall, lean on it and say "How tall you are now?" with your hand on your head.

You saw a sticker of an orangutan, and when asked if you saw any before, you said, "Ah gong... (and you realised you made a mistake...) then corrected yourself immediately. "PAPA...... and mama take TT to zoo see orangutan."

And there'll always be a commentary for whatever we do. Always.

Being that close to two, you are starting to display more independence.
That also means more struggles, because you want to do everything by yourself.

You buckle the seat belt when you are seated on the high chair.
No one can touch that buckle. Oh, no... no.
Other than removing your shoes, socks and pajamas, you can now slip your arms through the armholes by yourself. You are also quite insistent on putting on your shorts by yourself even though you can only manage to slip your legs through the legholes. It's really cute to see you hold up your leg and try to fit your foot through the leghole.

A major milestone
Another thing you are quite proud of - we have gone diaper-free during the day!
You have been able to indicate poop for quite a while now but lately, you let us know when you want to pee. There were a few misses but most of the time, you are able to stay dry.
Mommy is very proud of you and I know you are too.
It's really cute to hear you say "Go poddy, " before you run in the direction of the potty.

We still put you in diapers at night and when we are out as a precautionary measure though. But most of the time, you stay dry and you are able to wait till we arrive at the toilets.

We went to Imaginarium at SAM@8Q again.
It was popo's idea to see how you would respond to the exhibits now that you are older.
Well, you no longer save the plush people like you did two months ago, but you did make a friend that day. (And photobombed two other jiejies as well.)

Pretend Play
You found the extra milk powder dispenser I hid in the kitchen cabinet.
For the next few days, it was peace and quiet while I busied myself in the kitchen. They say that "It's nice to have a quiet house unless you have a toddler" because that means that the toddler up to some mischief. Apparently not the case with the milk powder dispenser.
Each time I took a peek, you'd be busy 'making milk' and feeding the stuff toys.
Never mind that their milk bottle is a can of tomato sauce from your toy kitchen.

I can tell that you take this very seriously because one evening at the supermarket, you requested to go home (that's rare) because "Mouse (needed to) drink milk." Sometimes, you would suddenly sit up and declare that you need to feed your toys.

You have also learnt to "wash" the dispenser at your toy kitchen. I love watching you play like that.

We went to the paediatrician that day I'm glad you are growing healthily.
We are almost hitting 90cm and I'm excited because that would mean you can attempt a few more rides at Universal Studios Singapore. If we do go, that is. We might also be overfeeding you because you are at the 97th percentile for your weight. But that's alright too.
All I ask for, is for you to be in good health, and for you to grow up a girl with good moral values.

Even though Mommy looks a little nutty sometimes, I still want to thank you for bringing me so much joy and laughter. Everything becomes more bearable because of you.
Except the hair-pulling. ;)

Smooches and Cuddles,

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