Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Little Things (17 months)

I didn't realise how I used to document J's growth and progress until I found a post I wrote when she was four months old. That post, and all the little things she did, are now such important memories to me. 

I had a lot of time to sit down, reflect and pen my thoughts then. But now, as J is older and stricter with the use of gadgets around her, I seem to slow down a lot in the documentation of the little things. 

Here are some things I want to remember about J before she turns 18 months and start behaving like an adult (or a little walking disaster as most Terrible Two-ers are.)

1. Chores are more enjoyable now that I have a little helper, who makes me do the chores. 
J will ask for her broom (we got her her own wiper stick) as she leans on the household shelter door when her 'broom' is kept. Then she cleans under the bed, the sofa... She even moves small pieces of furniture away.

2. J is an empathetic child and I'm grateful for that. I will not forget the look on her face the day I fell and sprained my ankle. And the kisses she plants on my other thigh as she tells me "It's okay."

3. This little one is getting really friendly! Some days she walks around the mall like a superstar, saying "hi" to strangers. Once she held out her hand to high-five an executive as we walked past each other. He high-fived back. That made her day. Because of that, we say "hi" to more of our neighbours too.

4. Someone has learnt to request for us to take photos of her. She'll then pose and smile accordingly.

5. We gave her my old camera this week. She loves it. But she loves to drop it on the floor too.

6. Initiation is at its peak. J now wants to draw at the dining table because yiyi was doing work there. 

7. This kid is tall. I realised it finally one night when she's sleeping in her cot. In her sleep suit.

8. We need to have Daddy-time everyday. NEED. That few days Daddy was down with flu, we had a tough time going to bed. 

9. We conquered the slide!

10. J has started to talk a lot while having pretend play. We got her a toy kitchen and a doll pram. That baby doll now follows everywhere she goes whenever she's in popo's house.

11. J is now able to complete the last two words of each verse for some songs. For "Rain, Rain Go Away" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep", she can sing almost the entire verse.

12. Cheeky. Enough said.

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