It's been long.
My life pretty much came to a standstill during that one week most Singaporeans would remember. I could still function as a mother but other than that, I couldn't quite find the motivation to do anything else. After that, mother duties took over.
I returned to write an angry letter to my future grown-up self. Let's hope that we will never have to resurface this letter. Ever.
It's time to document Grandma school again. I doubt I can do it weekly. Let's try for as-frequently-as-possible. Because, Mother duties.
Our neighbour stayed over at her grandpa's, which is really near popo's. Small world,eh?
So by eight in the morning, the party was ready to head off to the park.
It's like the kids knew there was an adventure waiting for them.
They were exceptionally cooperative that morning.
It's like the kids knew there was an adventure waiting for them.
They were exceptionally cooperative that morning.
After the few nature walks we had, J is starting to display interest in leaves so I thought of allowing her to touch the dried leaves and flowers if she wanted to. I wasn't expecting it but going for the nature walk with friends turned out to be a whole new experience.
The girls picked twigs from the ground, walked on dried leaves to listen to the sound.
They touched the morning glory because that was the only flower we spotted that was within reach.
"See this purple flower?"
"That's the morning glory."
"Touch the petals. So soft, isn't it?"
Toddlers love to touch, it seems. Both girls had a go at stroking the flowers.
They watched ants. We think they are ants but the ones we saw are huge.
There were less birds than usual but we tried spotting some anyway.
They touched the morning glory because that was the only flower we spotted that was within reach.
"See this purple flower?"
"That's the morning glory."
"Touch the petals. So soft, isn't it?"
Toddlers love to touch, it seems. Both girls had a go at stroking the flowers.
They watched ants. We think they are ants but the ones we saw are huge.
There were less birds than usual but we tried spotting some anyway.
As we headed out, we saw a bridal photoshoot taking place and J was in awe of the scene. She didn't want to leave. We thought it was because of the huge balloon props they had. We later realised that she thought the bride is yiyi.
We picked up leaves along the way.

We picked up leaves along the way.

As we approached the end of the trail, the girls warmed up and decided to sit on the ground and play with the leaves ad twigs instead. It was interesting to watch because I don't think J would play like that if she was alone.
The one thing I like going out with friends is that we tend to do things that wouldn't have occurred to me. Like drumming. The toddlers each took a stick and they hit on the 'log' (which doubles up as signages) to listen to the sound it makes. I wouldn't have thought of that.
The simple nature walk turned into a sensory walk I wasn't expecting.
I was secretly thrilled.
And it was obvious that J enjoyed the new experience of going out with friends.
I was secretly thrilled.
And it was obvious that J enjoyed the new experience of going out with friends.
It was wonderful. And I'd love to do it again soon!
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