Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A letter to my "grown-up" self

Hey, you.
Yes, you. 
Sorry, but I may not be very polite here. But I'll try.

I have no idea how old you are right now but if you are reading this, I'm pretty sure you need a reminder so here it goes.

However jarring it may be, read on.


I say it all the time.
I don't want to grow up.
People laugh.

Here's the thing. I don't mind growing old. I embrace growing old. I'll embrace all of adulthood's responsibilities BUT I don't want to grow up.

Do you recall? We've come across many grown-ups in my life who are plagued with the awful disease of denial and "I'm always right." We loathe that behaviour. It made our blood boil as we struggle to stop ourselves from talkin sense to them.

They tend to choices that unwise, which is fine because everyone makes mistakes. But what is not okay is thay they do not face up to it and admit that they are wrong/ in the wrong.

Don't you remember?
Let me quote you an incident that changed our lives; that made me determined to make sure we don't grow up at all and that we will, become the voices of children. 

Child puts mug at the edge of the dining table. That's the furthest he could reach. Adult walks in and bumps onto dining table. Mug falls. Adult said, in a blaming tone, "Tsk. Who put the mug here?"
Now, who's fault is it?
The child who bothered to put an object where it belongs? Or the adult who did not pay attention and bump onto the table?
Perhaps, both. 
But is it right to push the blame on the child immediately?

And we've come across a few parents, who are clearly in the wrong, but refused to admit it nor apologise to their child(ren). Just because they are parents.  We vowed never to be like that. We grew up in a household where whoever is in the wrong apologises. It doesn't matter adult or kid.

The husband agrees too. We agreed that it is perfectly alright to apologise to our child(ren) if we are in the wrong. I hope you are not plagued with that disease right now.
The "I'm always right" disease. 

Simply because, ADULTS ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT. Period.

I don't sound too friendly now, do I? Perhaps even hostile? That's because I'm really mad. And annoyed. And if that was how exactly you felt when you were sixteen. And eighteen. Even thirty.

We've also came across adults, at various points of time in our life, some we know very well, some we think we know very well, some, we work with. They complain that their kids are insensible. Or immature. And I look at what they do and think, boy, they are worse. 

And they don't admit it. Denial. 
At least teens will go "Right. I'm childish. Got a problem with that?"

See, the thing is, some grown-ups think they know it all, that they are always right, and mature, and sensible. But actions have proven that, they are not quite. Not quite mature. Sometimes even extremely juvenile. But they don't admit it. And they don't listen. We used to despise that behaviour too. I hope you are not that right now. 

Remember, we hated the disease that consumes a grown-ups innocence. We believe there should still be some. The disease that makes them so self-centred. 

It could be stress from the modern society, or changing hormones. Whatever it is, remember we don't like it and we promise to be different. 

I hope you are not on the path of no-return. I hope you can stop growing up and start growing old instead. 
You can do it. 
You are a child at heart.
Awaken that inner child.
And be a really awesome adult.

All the best!

Your 31-year-old self

This letter is written in response to the things I've seen and stories I've heard lately. i'm bemused by how sometimes, adults can be so ridiculous. 
And I'm somehow convinced that being middle-age increases the risk of being a little unreasonable and overbearing. In case I cannot escape that fate, this letter serves as a reminder. And I'm behaving  like an asshole, shove this up my face. 

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