Thursday, September 4, 2014

We grow as a family - The 'Daddy Plays' edition

I saw this in the playpen while I was mopping the floor one morning.

Piglet security blanket in shape sorter toy. It'll be cute if it was the baby who did this. But nope. It was the husband.

And that makes it cuter.

This would have been very common in many families but in this household, this meant a big step forward for him, for me, for us. For you see, The Husband has
zilch knowledge about playing with babies - J is the first baby he has actual interaction with. So he is clueless. Very clueless as of how to play and interact with her.

Through this ten months, I watched how he first starting smiling (awkwardly) at our tiny little baby, to how he tries to engage her in a conversation. Lately he will put J on his lap and either reads her the picture book, or points and says the names of the animals on our pillows. One of the afternoons while I was packing the diaper bag before we head out, I heard him go "This is the nose. These are the eyes. P-I-G-L-E-T," as he points them out on the security blanket.  :)

That night while I was ironing the clothes, I saw him stuffing the security blanket into the shape sorter toy, and carefully arranging its head so that it sticks out like that.
"Who is this?" "Hi, I'm Piglet!"
He made voices.
Achievement unlocked!

I'm proud of how the husband has grown in his "play" skills. Very. 

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