Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Week of "Happy" 06

1. Happy Mail
The books I ordered from Book Depository arrived. In separate packages. That makes more happy mail. J got excited over the bright colours and has got another book added to her "I like you! " collection.

2. Spotlight Sale
The only thing better than going to a sale, is stumbling upon one. Popping by Spotlight and Daiso to "take a look" is now a weekly routine after J has had a splashing(pun intended) good time at BabySPA.

The Kaiserwood items were going at 40%. I can't say no to that. 
Home decor, home decor.

3. Baby turns 9 months old
My tiny squishy baby is now a cuddly, sticky little bundle. But I love her. Maybe more than ever.

4. Daddy-daughter bonds
The most heartwarming day throughout the entire week- knowing that daddy and baby bond so well. Nothing more a wife and mother can ask for.

5. A new playroom
This is still a work-in-progress.
The room needs curtains.
The walls need decor.

But at least it's now clean and ready for J to play in if the weather gets too warm.
Mummy came over to help and within a couple of hours, it's ready.
It's like magic.
Everytime my mum comes over, the house either becomes sparkling clean or some parts of the house looks better. I don't know how she does it but I hope that in future,  I have that kind of magic too.

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