Thursday, March 19, 2015

{Grandma School} Messy Play Week

This is a really late post but I'd like to start keep a log of what we did during Grandma School.

First, a little bit about Grandma School.

Grandma School takes place at... popo's house.
That's right. No prizes for the right answer.
We don't have a fixed curriculum nor learning outcomes.
Wait. Maybe we do. For now, it's exploration.
Just play and explore.

Grandma School mainly consists of reading (because we are made to by a certain little person), song and dance, running along the corridors with the neighbours, and chores.
Most of the other interesting activities are inspired by what Grandma lets J play with, or what J chooses to play with.
Mommy sees it and sometimes add in another one or two other materials to update the play.


9 March 2015 - 13 March 2015
This week was coincidentally Messy Play Week. We hadn't intend it to be as such but somehow we dabbled with messy play through the entire week.

Carrot and Spinach 'Painting'
This was an accidental activity.
Popo gave J a bowl of shredded carrots and a stalk of spinach to explore while she prepares lunch.
I was playing with J, thinking that it looks like kimchi and I really want to eat bibimbap when I noticed carrot stains on my fingers.


Out came a regular piece of A4 paper and I showed J that she could rub the carrot shreds and spinach leaves onto the paper.
It became pretty fun art. (To me.)

J enjoyed rubbing with the carrot shreds. 
The spinach leaves? Not so much. She doesn't seem to know how to, yet.

A bowl of flour.
J held it in her hands.
She stirred it with the plastic utensils.
And flicked it all over.

J seems to enjoy playing with flour more than flour mixture.

Cornflour Mixture
We've all played with cornflour mixture right?
I feel that it's an intriguing medium to play with.
Not solid, nor liquid.
If you let it be, it's hard.
You pick it up, it dribbles through your fingers.
You squeeze it tight, it becomes solid again.

J looked confused when she first played with it.
How peculiar!

My mom drizzled some onto her arms.
She tried to pull it off my fingers as they drip.
And you know she can't quite figure out what exactly this is.

It became crumbly after a while.
I thought it looked like moonsand or cloud dough.
And they are a fun texture to play with. 

Most of these fell onto the floor so J had fun stepping on it and wiping it all over.

I can't quite say if J enjoyed herself while playing with the cornflour mixture. Most of the time she looked really intrigued.
But when she was on the ground, she had a great time playing with the crumbs.

What was interesting though, was that she pointed to this spot on the ground and went "clod" (cloud).

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