Monday, February 9, 2015

The things I love about you #6

Your curls, baby. I love your little curls at the end of your hair.
It's funny how it curls only on one side but it definitely makes you look more like a little girl now. I still remember how much of a boy you looked when you were little, and the doubtful looks on strangers when I told them you are a girl. Even when you are all dressed in pink.

I love the way you speak.
That is before you learnt to pronounce the words clearly.
Your yi yang (same) and sayang.
Any word that ends with -ng sounds exceptionally cute.

I love that you have both the sweet, little girly voice and the rough, manly-voice.
It's hilarious to hear you go "Hello!" in a low, deep voice.

I love that you now want to fall asleep on the bed instead of having us carry you till you fall asleep. I think my arms love that too.

I love your hugs. Your very tight hugs.
Even thought it's almost like a headlock on most days.

I love your cheeky smile. We've been getting a lot of that lately.

I love how friendly you are. You love to wave to strangers and greet them on the bus.
I hope you remember to be as polite too when you are older.

I love how sensible you can get. You act like a really big girl on some days, and though we lament about how fast you are growing, I'm still very proud of you.

Linking up with: 
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  1. Haha, I can't imagine a low manly "Hello" from her! Lol. =p So interesting! Love all the sweet things you said, time really passes by fast when we are mums so let's remember to hug more, kiss more, smile more and love more while we can! =) Thanks for linking up, girl!

    1. Haha.. She does it very often! Makes me go o.O all the time. Heh heh.. Yeap! And those are the perks of being a SAHM. A lot more hugs and kisses! :)
