Monday, February 16, 2015

Angbao (Red Packet) Organisation System

Since I have quite a few friends and family members joining the league of angbao distribution, I'll share a bit on how I organise mine. Of course, a system is not entirely necessary but you'll see how being slightly more organised can make things easier.

Especially during the festive season when things can get really crazy.
My greatest fear for angbao distribution would be to either give one of the wrong value, miss anyone out, or worse, give out empty ones.

I started off, like most newly married couples, with packets of red packets stacked in a corner of my bookshelves. Most people do that right?
No biggie. Why do you even need a system for something like that? 

That is until I realise I have collected enough to form a leaning tower in my bookshelf.
It is messy.
And those red packets kept wrapped in plastics just won't stay nicely stacked on top of each other.
And... when I try to get the red packets ready for CNY, oh, don't get me started...

Here's what I use:

Plastic container from Daiso. 
I got the biggest in size so that I can stuff everything in neatly and when the container closes, it just takes up the space of... the container! I tend to buy a lot of new red packets each year because honestly, who can resist those adorable designs that gets better each year? The containers also helps keep me in check. It's currently bursting at the seams (it would if it had any) so it's a visual reminder that I should stop buying.

All the empty red packets are nicely 'filed' in so i just pick out the ones I want, and slot them back in before picking out another design. Once I have the new notes exchanged, I also pop those in the container so that when I'm ready to pack the red packets, everything is in one place.

Red packet organiser / Ziplock bags
I have two.
Thank goodness I have two. The red packets won't fit in just one.
One for the husband's family, one for mine.
Once the red packets are packed according to the list, I slot them into the red packet organiser immediately so that I won't leave them out accidentally.
Of course, being the worrywart I am, I'll still do a quick run-through the day before.
Just to make sure.

The handy dandy noteboook
I used to keep a list on a pieces of paper. Then my sister gave the brilliant idea of writing it in a book. A list is important because you wouldn't want to miss anyone out.

The 'holding' crate

Yet another "I'll-use-it-one-day" item I got from Daiso.
The notebook fits it perfectly and I keep all the organisers together in the crate.
When Chinese New Year comes, I'll just make sure I empty the crate (minus the notebook) and I'm set for the day.

It may seem like something really simple, but having this system allows me to get the red packets ready weeks prior Chinese New Year.
I love that I can just take out the container and crate, move them to any room I want to prepare the red packets, then pop them right back into my Dröna box. 

And it gets kept away neatly until the first day of the Chinese New Year.
I know my red packets are all ready and most importantly, I know exactly where they are. So, even if I'm busy with the baby, I can still get the husband to help me pack those into my bag. Just clear the crate! ;)

When the festivities is over, the red packets remain in the box, occupying minimal space until the next year.

Packing red packets the night before used to be fun because it really builds up the anticipation to welcome the new year. But with a new baby, it's better to be more well-prepared. :)

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