Monday, January 19, 2015


When J was still a teeny baby, I wasn't sure if she would put on weight at all, because she drank so little milk and took very long just to finish one bottle of it. She did, eventually.

used to wonder if J's tuft of hair would grow and flatten at all. It did, eventually.

When I heard a little boy of 18 months speak relatively well, I wondered if J would be able to say so many words as well. But she was only 11 months old then. She did, eventually. 

I am envious when people tell me that their babies sleep early and they fall asleep not in anyone's arms but in their cots when you place them in while they are drowsy. I wonder when that day would come. It did, eventually. Even though J fell asleep on my bed instead of her cot.

Right now, I wonder when J will actually sleep enough and when she will outgrow her habit of hitting people and pulling their hair when she's sleepy. 
But I know she will. 


Till then, have a little fun.

** I try very hard not to compare J and other babies because Comparison is a very tough game. But sometimes I fall into it unknowingly. But I will learn. Eventually. (And I hope soon enough.) 

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