I'm already getting used to calling you my toddler and telling people that you are 15 months old even when you were just 14.5.
You seem to have grown so much this month and we learnt that we have to treat you like a two-year-old instead.
You are so quick to imitate and repeat after us so Mommy have been sending out reminders to people close to us to tell them to speak to you properly.
You are growing to be more independent. Other than helping with the clean laundry and putting the dirty ones into the laundry basket, you now know how to take off your sneakers and you are learning to feed yourself. You don't know how to scoop the food yet but you are very excited to deliver the food on the spoon into your mouth. I also discovered one day, to my surprise that you know how to place the bib/handkerchief at your neck before you take your milk.
We weaned you off the pacifier this month since you refused to take the new one. It was tough and sleep was a struggle. But the new "elephants go stomp stomp stomp" song we made up somehow worked. I got that idea from you. You've learnt to stomp around the house like an elephant and say "stomp stomp stomp" as you stamped your little foot on the ground.
December and January is a fun month for you where you met up with most of Mommy's close friends. And got to eat you favourite "baobao" (bread) as we had lunch. Oh, your love for bread!
You are getting clearer at communicating your thoughts. You say "xiexie" for thank you. And words like "keys, duck, up, down, take out, boo-K" entered your vocab bank. Your favourite is still "walk wal-K" which I am not really keen on hearing when it's 11pm at night and I'm trying to get you to sleep. Ah, yes. You emphasise the K sound.
You sing too, baby.
We catch you humming randomly lately, and completing the last words of each phrase of these songs:
GongXi GongXi 恭喜恭喜
Doraemon theme song
And these are so funny they are worth a mention too.
Let it (go)
Let it (go)
Can't hold it back any(more)
I can show you the (work)
Shining shimmering splen(did)
Tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart de(cide)
I love it.
They say toddlers give the best hugs, and it's true! You give us really tight hugs and cuddles, and smooches on our lips. Your favourite family activities would be reading, family hugs, and making Daddy and Mommy kiss. It's hilarious but endearing at the same time.
The little things that you do makes me very proud to be your mom and I'm very grateful for such a sensible daughter like you.
Mommy loves you tonnes!
Smooches and Cuddles,
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