Friday, November 21, 2014

{Dear Baby} Ladybug

Dear Baby, 

This is your favourite toy, the ladybug.
Yiyi got it for you one month before your first birthday.

You were actually more interested in the ladybug pull-toy but it was too big and I reckoned you didn't really know how to play with that yet. You kept looking at the pull-toy and seemed to like it so much, we decided to get a smaller ladybug for you. I didn't realise that this was meant to be for two-year-olds. Can you imagine our surprise when you wrapped the present and pulled out a dotted, red wooden ball instead of an entire ladybug? But you loved that ball anyway. It's the first thing you pick up when you are in the playroom, and you hold on to the ball everywhere you go.

That night when I was trying to get you to pick up all the toys, I said "Darling, can you return the ball to ladybug, please?"

And you did.

You successfully placed the ball on the ladybug for the first time.
I was so happy I clapped really hard. You could sense it so you clapped and shouted with glee too.

It's something small but my momma-heart was beaming with pride.

Love you so,

6 Nov 2014

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