The "not-quite-timeline" timeline
She attempted to push away from whatever she is holding onto so that she can stand handsfree and clocked 5 seconds at 8 months+.
Mid July
J has been struggling to get on to the floor, but she didn't want to crawl. So we tried to hold her hands and let her "walk" around the house instead. She enjoys it so much that house inspection is now a daily affair. And because this girl is no pushover, she decides where she wants to go.
19 July
The day after we set up the playroom, we told J to "Take Daddy to your playroom" because she was fussing and we wanted to distract her. To our surprise, she led him right into the room.
We tried it again a couple of days later, now from a different direction and she did it again. We think she knows her way around the house.
Now, whenever family members come visit, they like to ask J, "Where's your playroom?" as they hold her hands from behind and our friendly little guide will lead the way.
29 July
J was enjoying her nightly cuddle-and-play on our bed. She usually pulls my fingers to stand before doing her little combination of dancing and jumping in bed. (Eh yup. All those house rules about "no playing in bed" have gone to the trash bins.) But this time, she decided to let go of my fingers. When she realised that she could stand steadily for quite some time, her eyes lit up and she gave out an excited squeal, as though saying "Wow. I am... standing? I am standing!"
Motivated, she tried again and again and again. (Momma's eyes were already blurry from the lack of sleep and my brains were getting ready to rest for the day. Read: I was about to faint. No kidding. Pale lips.)
Then it happened.
She took three steps before she fell on me, giving me a big hug at the same time. And then she squealed excitedly once again.
Oh wow. My baby just took her first steps!
I've been picturing this day in my head for the longest time.
"Will I get the opportunity to take a video of it?"
"How excited will I be?"
"Oh my.. First steps. Will it look like what we see in those formula milk adverts?"
It didn't quite turn out the way I imagined it to be.
I was mad excited when J did it. I felt my heart skip a beat, in a good way, and I couldn't wait for the husband to be out from the bathroom so that he can witness it too.
But in my state then, all I could manage was a heartfelt (really heartfelt) "Wow baby! You just took three steps!" followed by a rather awkward "Erm.. Then can we go to bed now? Let's try again tomorrow?"
# badmommamoments
I wish I did better.
30 July 2014, Afternoon
I discovered that J knows the way to the bathroom too because that's where she led me to when I say "Let's go wash your hands!"
We tried it again a few more times and it worked!
We tried it again a few more times and it worked!
31 July
J did it again while she was with my mum. I was munching on my Oreos when I heard my mummy go "Wah. Three steps!"
I asked if that counts as first steps and she said, "I think so."
I asked if that counts as first steps and she said, "I think so."
So, yay to baby's first steps!!
Age count: 9 months and 12 days
Location: Daddy and Mummy's bed
Linking up with:

... because this July is my crazy month of happy!
Erm... Does it really count as first steps? What exactly counts as baby's first steps?
Wow she is 9 months already! I think three steps are a big achievement and she can probably start to walk very soon! Maybe she might skip the whole crawling phase! And did anyone say you shouldn't use the bed for play? Haha. You should see how my girls use my bed as a trampoline every single night. Oh well, quite hard to resist all those big smiles. Thanks for linking up and for sharing these sweet miletsones!
ReplyDeleteYes, time flies! I'm already counting down to 10 months. It's happening so quickly!
DeleteI guess I spoke too soon cuz she went back to crawling after a while. I was quite strict initially because if she is going to be like me, then it's better for her to know that bed = sleep. Else bedtime will be tough in future. ;)
But I gave in, as you can see. She enjoys cuddling with her daddy so I can't say no.