Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hello, I am a SAHM

I used to think that I may be embarrassed by this. Because I get the idea that people would cringe once they find out. It's not a glamourous job after all. 
Is it even a job? 

It certainly isn't something my (extended) family would expect me to do. You do have a degree, girl. I did get a few shocked looks after they heard my decision. Even my dad questioned if it was a good move on my part.

But two years ago, when I told my very wise boss that I'm quitting to do something not ambitious at all - "I want to be a stay-at-home-mom eventually." He said this to me -

"This is not having no ambition. This is another kind of ambition, and I think it's noble."

He changed my views about what others may think of SAHM-hood. In fact, now I realise that it doesn't matter how others look at me because I'm doing what I feel is important to me. But he did gave me the confidence booster and now I can hold my head high and say,

"Hello, my name is Annabelle. And I'm a stay-at-home-mom."

" I work a 24/7 shift and I can't tell you how much I earn because I'm not paid in cash.
Instead I'm paid in something even better - sweaty palms, saliva, cries, smiles, cuddles and kisses.

I may be poorer (financially), but I feel richer at the same time. 
My heart is full.

I'm a stay-at-home-mom and I'm proud of it. "

* This post is dedicated to my very wise ex-boss, who is very wise in many ways.

** It's meant to be posted on 4th of July because that is the day I left my job two years ago. I left a calling for another calling. (Does this even make sense?)
But I was out with a dear friend and we enjoyed ourselves so much.

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