Monday, July 22, 2013

26 weeks and my poor body...

So it begins.

The shortness of breath and the backaches.
When I was reading updates from mommas-to-be in the Facebook group a couple of weeks ago, I was secretly glad that I didn't have any of the symptoms they mentioned.

"Breathlessness, anyone?"
"My back is aching so bad...."

Then over the weekends, all of these set in.
The heartburns (which I so happen to be very familiar with),
the backache (which happens to be a good friend too..),
that nagging pain in the upper back just a couple centimetres from the neck (Oh, hello buddy!)
and the shortness of breath.

It's like old friends visiting all at once. I remember the pain and discomfort.
It's not fun. Not fun at all.

People say "Sleep on the left. It's good for baby."
When I googled, one article says that to ease shortness of breath, sleep on the left.

I can't sleep on my left!!!
I tried and I get a rude shock so very often when I start gasping for air.
The Theraline pillow didn't work for me too. To this date, I still wonder why the pillow doesn't work for me (most of the time) when everyone raves about how good it is.

I tried sleeping on my right. I wake up gasping for air too.
Either that or my tummy feels funny. I don't know if it's flatulence, or Baby being active, or just some muscular spasms.

Some days I find myself falling asleep on my back, and I wake up 'n' times in the middle of the night because I feel this pressure on my bladder almost all the time.

There are times where I really just want to plop my face in the pillow and sleep on my tummy.
But I can't.

I haven't been sleeping well these past few nights.
I wake up umpteen times to
- adjust my pillow (stupid neck..)
- adjust the Theraline pillow
- go to the loo
- find a comfortable sleeping position
- do the usual 'flip-flop' like a fish out of water, only less intensely..

In fact, I think I spend 80% of bedtime tossing and turning around. I don't think I really slept.


And it's hot. Really hot lately.
The weather is so crazy even turning on the air-conditioner doesn't help.
Then I get frustrated at the whole lack-of-sleep-and-it's-so-hot-and-I'm-freaking-tired-but-I-feel-damn-uncomfortable-to-sleep thing.
Then, I feel guilty for feeling this way because I sound like I'm blaming my little precious.
THEN, I feel all upset and frustrated again.

Must be the hormones.

Now, can someone just hit me on my neck with a baseball bat or something so it eases the back pain and I can be knocked out for a good 20 minutes, at least?

Thank you very much.

And Baby, Mommy loves you.
You are not the cause of my discomfort.
It's the hormones.
And my old ailments. Must be the ailments.
And the heat.

I finally managed to catch a nap. With the Theraline propping against my back, my little pillow under baby bump. Let's hope this method works tonight. :)

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