Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sleepy Songs

'White Christmas' used to be the go-to song when I want to lull Lil' J to sleep.
How fun is that? Singing Christmas songs every day of the year.

Then recently, I took the tune of "If You Are Happy and You Know It" and changed the lyrics a little.
Just for the fun of it.
Turns out, Lil' J seems to like it and most of the time after I sing the first phrase, she coos.
I'd like to think that she's singing along.

This has now become my favourite lullaby for the little one.
I sing it just to elicit her coos.  :)

To the tune of "If You Are Happy and You Know It" sung at a very slow pace

If you're sleepy and you know it, close your eyes
If you're sleepy and you know it, close your eyes
If you're sleepy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you're sleepy and you know it, close your eyes

If you're sleepy and you know it, give a yawn
If you're sleepy and you know it, give a yawn
If you're sleepy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you're sleepy and you know it, give a yawn

* for bedtime only

If you're sleepy and you know it, go to bed
If you're sleepy and you know it, go to bed
If you're sleepy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you're sleepy and you know it, go to bed

If you're sleepy and you know it, do all three (four):
close your eyes, yawn, ('Good Night!'), go to bed
If you're sleepy and you know it, do all three (four):
close your eyes, yawn, ('Good Night!'), go to bed
If you're sleepy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you're sleepy and you know it, do all three (four):
close your eyes, yawn, ('Good Night!'), go to bed

* If you're sleepy and you know it, say 'Good Night'
If you're sleepy and you know it, say 'Good Night'
If you're sleepy and you know it
And you really want to show it,
If you're sleepy and you know it, say 'Good Night'

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