Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Our first contact paper craft

Even though I said that contact paper craft in my last post was more of an "invitation to destroy" than "invitation to play", there were actually some observations I made, and definitely, some takeaways.

Materials we use:
1. Tissue paper, precut into confetti and stored away ($2 for 25 pieces, Daiso)
2. Contact paper ($2.95, POPULAR bookstore

This is J's first encounter with tissue paper and contact paper.

J fiddled the tissue papers in the bowl. She wasn't quite sure what to do. I don't know if I'm supposed to show her how to do it but I stuck a piece of tissue paper onto the contact paper. 

She, too,  stuck a piece onto the sticky paper then play around with the tissue paper. She pulled at one and realised it will tear, so she continued tearing the paper and returning he smaller pieces into the bowl. 

Then she tried to "water" the confetti down onto the contact paper but except for a couple of pieces, the rest didn't stick. 

J attempted to stick another piece of confetti into the contact paper, and realised her hands got stuck. The contact paper makes a funny sound when she tried to pull her hand away. So she kept doing it and was enjoying herself. "What's that? Hahahahaha...." 

The contact paper fell of the wall in the process and she scrunched it up. I opened it up again and stuck it to the floor instead. Then I showed J that we can just sprinkle the confetti onto the contact paper. Which she did.
And she did more while she was with Daddy and so we ended up with this:

Not too shabby, if I may say.

To be honest, I was quite disheartened initially because this seems to be yet another ITP that failed. But it was her first contact with the materials after all. I can't expect her to do the proper art right away. I think it's good that she's willing to explore and play around with the materials. The "getting to know you" stage is important too.

I stuck the completed piece up on the wall and didn't think about it but the next morning when J entered the playroom and saw the art, she requested to "make art" again.

I gave her the another one.
This time, she tipped the bowl of confetti over the sticky paper and spreaded them out before she held the paper up and declared "Very nice!"
Contact paper art done in 10 seconds flat.

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