This came a few days late but J was back to the night time struggle of "I-want-to-sleep-no-I-don't-want-to" and it's getting more challenging with the twos. But here is it. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
Dear Baby,
Dear Baby,
Thank you for another wonderful year.
Two years ago, you made me a mom, and I couldn't be more grateful that it's you. I looked back at the letter a wrote to you a year ago. Some things have changed, but some things remain the same.
You're as insistent as you were about independence. Much more now.
We are having this power struggle lately where you have opinions on what to wear, what to eat, what shoes to buy. Sometimes, I'm not even sure if I should laugh or cry at tour new-found independence. It drives me a little crazy sometimes.
We are having this power struggle lately where you have opinions on what to wear, what to eat, what shoes to buy. Sometimes, I'm not even sure if I should laugh or cry at tour new-found independence. It drives me a little crazy sometimes.
You can now self-feed, and as much as I was worried about the cup milestone, you are now able to drink from the cup by yourself, albeit late. You really learn so much faster from other children.
You now dress yourself when I lay out your clothes for you, if you want to.
And you can now put on your own socks. We're still working on the shoes but you're halfway there.
At two, I can safely say that you're fully potty-trained now, even though we still put your diapers on at night and when we go out for long periods, as a precautionary measure. (Edit: We are on Day 2 of diaper-free nights!) It's been a month so I think I won't jinx myself.
19 months ago, I was worried about you the whole time, because at three months of age, you appear to not like interaction - you just stare and not respond. Little did I know that you were observing what's going around. Now, you just keep talking and narrating little stories of your experiences (like the air gun at Polliwogs, and our aquarium trip). You sing and hum too, and you're getting the melodies right. You do have quite a repertoire of songs. You're back to babbling made-up words too. I think that's a toddler thing?
Quiet activities (other than reading) don't seem to be as enjoyable for you as outdoor activities are. You prefer to be on the go. So full of energy. Imaginative play is still your favourite form of play and you are pretty good at it. We're at the princess-phase lately. I guess every little girl goes through that stage. Just that day you picked out a skirt "because Elsa wears this."
I've noticed a few qualities about you that I hope stays with you throughout your life.
Sensibility - if you noticed that I'm unwell or hurt, you'll come over voluntarily and give me a hug.
You do the same to other family members as well. When popo had to go take care of great-grandma, you told her to "go,go." Even though we know that you very much wanted her to take care of you for that day.
Empathy - You look on with concern when you see a little child cry. When we injure ourselves, you place your hand on us and asks gently, "are you okay?"
Being true to yourself - I'm not sure if this is also a child-thing but you are true to your feelings. If you're happy, you are. If you're angry, you'll also let us know why. It's always honest. No hiding.
Giving - You don't really give yet. But when we are at the playground and a younger child follows behind you, you'll always move aside and let them go down the slide first.
Love of reading - You love to read. You still do. One day I couldn't see you around me and I called out to you to find out where you were. "I'm reading!" That response warms my heart so much. I hope that love of reading and learning stays.
Continue to be curious, be fun. be strong and be brave.
Like you are now.
Continue to be curious, be fun. be strong and be brave.
Like you are now.
I know that I might have yelled at you a few times when you were mischievous. But you are always a blessing to me. You'll always be.
Because of you, I've become stronger.
Thank you for being you.
I love you to bits.
Smooches and Cuddles,
Smooches and Cuddles,
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