Friday, June 5, 2015

Coins and questions

Today (by the time this is posted, yesterday) is a pretty amazing day with the little one.

We started off with a regular, nothing-quite-special bus ride to popo's. But after we alighted the bus, she asked to walk. She's been wanting to be carried lately so that's a pleasant surprise. We saw no birds. Nor cats. I don't know where the animals went, those are usually motivation to walk but today, she just kept walking anyway. I think our little game of "Slow! Fast! Stop!" worked. I got that idea from watching the preschoolers. It made the walk to grandma's a little more fun, I guess. 

Messy play started early today upon J's request. We gave her cornstarch mixture instead of homemade play dough because it's easier to wash it off.

If I'm not wrong, she was trying to lick some.

Then we talked about the coconut water I received from a not-so-little-person and the suggestion he gave; the container  can be made into a piggy bank. My mum suggested a piggy bank activity instead. I know that J enjoyed it. She'll put the coins in and when she's done, open the container and pour out the coins, then start over again. She's been saying "money" a lot lately, so this was the perfect activity for her. 

Later that afternoon, after she was done slotting in the coins, J started to pour the coins from one half of the container to the other. And again. And again. She just did her own pouring exercise!

And while we were at that, J asked her first question. I don't count "Where?" after she hides objects and make us find it and "See what is this?" since that's more of a statement. She heard our neighbour crying upstairs and asked "What happen(ed) (to) Korkor?" with a very serious look on her face. 

My momma heart swelled.
It seemed like an ordinary day but it isn't that ordinary after all.

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