Thursday, January 8, 2015

{Grandma School} Stickers on my legs

Whilst the older children are back to school, J resumes "Grandma School" with today's activity inspired by no one else, but herself. Actually, I didn't even realise it was an activity until much later.

It started as a simple attempt to cut her nails. She is learning to sit quietly in front of me for her nail-cutting sessions lately but some days, a little distraction is necessary.

We were playing with stickers from my old collection earlier on (Grandma took them out for some fine motor skills exercises) so the sticker sheets were lying on the floor. I took one and stuck it on her leg so that I can cut her nails. She removed it and stuck it on her arm. Then removed it and stuck it on mine. The remove-and-stick motion continued and I realised I was saying "Oh! It's on your arm." "It's on Mummy's nose now!" You get the idea. But hey! We just revised body parts unknowingly!
After realising that this could be an activity, I made it a little more intentional later by asking her to stick it on various parts of her body. And mine. 

A short 3-minute activity where te kid has fun but learning took place and you won't even notice. ;)

**Grandma School = school @ grandma's place. (And sometimes with grandma, who often comes up with fun activities.)

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