There have been no updates but we have been taking baby steps in ensuring that we lead a healthier lifestyle.
Reducing chemicals in the house.
Attempting to make healthier choices in foods.
Purging and uncluttering the house so as to reduce the amount of dust bunnies at home.
Oh, that was therapeutic. It's tiring but the sense of satisfaction from throwing bags and bags of unwanted items away, whoa!
Inspired by "#100happydays" on Instagram and "Happiness is..." by A Happy Mum, I decided that I should place some importance on mental health too and being happy/grateful is just one way.
100 consecutive days of happiness is a huge commitment to me so I figured it will be easier to go in weeks.
So, here's Week 1 of Happy!
1. Getting diapers on a sale
I was bummed when RedMart sold out their diapers during the period of the Motherhood Exhibition. That was a really good deal. I'll take discounts on prices over free toys any time.
Then we dropped by Cold Storage Nex over the weekend and realise that they have the same deal as they did in Cold Storage Changi City Point.
That sense of relief and elation was beyond my imagination.
2. Waking up to this...

... and feeling grateful that I chose to be a SAHM (and the hubby strongly supports it.)
3. Finally getting it right
No more porridge that is too hard for the baby to chew on!
4. Skies like these...
... that makes me feel like I'm in another country, and not sunny island Singapore.

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