It seems pretty common for mommies to pop in week 38 so we are preparing ourselves for that too. We brought forward the date of delivery for the cot to this weekend in case Baby really decides to arrive early.*
The belly is growing bigger. (Well, of course! Since Baby is growing!) The rashes have said 'goodbye!' Though they did leave their marks. My belly is now two to three shades darker than the parts of my body that hasn't been 'rash-attacked'.
My belly button remains a sexy pair of luscious lips. I doubt it will become and outie.
Baby has been doing more of 'rolling' lately due to the lack of space.
She seems to understand bedtime (or so I assume) because she is usually quiet when I'm asleep. And if she's active when it's my bedtime, she tends to move less vigorously after the bedtime story.
I'm losing appetite once again. And feeling more nauseated as the days pass. It's back to the "I'm-eating-bread-for-dinner" days.
What's new:
I cannot fit into my ring anymore.
I started having occasional leg cramps in the middle of sleep.
The last few days I didn't drink enough water, my feet swelled a little. Water retention...
There's still a couple more things we need to get to feel more ready. I'm hoping to clear the list at this weekend's baby fair.
The gynae appointment is in two days and I can't wait to see Baby again! :)
*Mummy is pretty confident and excited about Baby arriving early - according to calculation of the olden days which she claims is very accurate. 15 - 19 Oct. That week she says.
The hubby was hoping Baby will share his birthday (18 Oct). That is until we found out that Dr Lee has a scheduled C-sec op that day.
Lil' Sis was hoping that her niece will arrive when she's in town. She happens to be from 17-19 Oct.
Those dates?
They happen to be Week 38 as well.
Will it be this coincidental?
We shall see. ;)
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