A fellow October mom posted a photo of her 3D scan today and I saw it just before I left the house. This sparked off the topic about "3D scans" and if Dr Lee offers 3D scans in the clinic.
The hubby doesn't understand why there's a need for a 3D scan.
And to be honest, I've seen a couple of 3D scans on Facebook and I was pretty creeped out by it.
I told myself I will not do a 3D scan. Ever.
After the routine checks of the heartbeat, the head circumference, the abdomen, and the thigh bone (measurements), Dr Lee went on to indicate Baby's position. Baby is still in breech position today and her legs and hands are on the right. Explains why I get the kicks mainly on the right and not anywhere else.
We saw the side profile of Baby's foot and her big toe.
It's so adorable I wanted to squeal. But of course, I held it in.
Then, Dr Lee decided that "Hey! We could try to do the 3D scan." And so he did.
At that moment, 3D scans are the most beautiful thing in the world.
The scans came out pretty abstract (as usual) but we could make out Baby's little face.
The first one saw her covering her face with her hands.
The second one was much clearer.
We could see her little nose and eyes.
I gave hubby the look.
If you could see it, there were plenty of hearts and smooches floating around the room then.
It was the most amazing feeling.
And I promise I won't be so sceptical about 3D scans anymore.
Mommy's weight: 54.5 kg
Baby's weight: 698 g
EDD: 30 Oct 2013
3D Scans: $100 (subsequent scans are free)
Favourite Doctor's Quote of the Day: "Wah..! Long legs man!" (while he was measuring the thigh bone)
Hallo my pretty darling!
Mommy and Daddy first saw your face today.
I don't know if you know this but you're so precious to us.
I never knew I have so much love in me until the day I first heard your heartbeat.
And it grows each day.
Thank you for your kicks that day I was unwell.
When I was feeling all weak and dizzy and my tummy hurt, all I wanted to know is that you are okay inside.
The kicks were hard, but very assuring.
I could smile despite the discomfort.
I love you.
We love you.
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