Confinement. (That sounds like imprisonment already.)
30 to 40 days of postpartum period where the new mother rests and recuperates.
Confinement wouldn't sound as dreadful if not for the many traditional restrictions/rules that come along with it.
Some of the restrictions make complete sense to me (eg. not lifting of heavy objects) and I'm very much willing to abide by them.
But some, really challenge my beliefs. And as the due date draws near, I've been hearing more of these from concerned moms, aunts and some mommy friends.
(Actually excluding my mummy. She is rather willing to bend the confinement rules a little.)
1) You are not supposed to bathe.
The compromise: You are allowed to wipe yourself down with a brew of herbal concoction.
In my brain: Seriously? In this hot tropical weather? For one whole month?
Thank you for compromising but I'm not sure how clean I can be with just a wipe down.
I think those herbs are mainly to 'expel wind' from my body and not disinfect or kill any germs.
I want to breastfeed my baby and it doesn't make much sense if I am a bacteria-carrier. And with the herbal residue (I heard there's gonna be), Baby will be taking in some of the herbs as she nurse. No?
Even books written by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) doctors states that mothers should bathe daily to ensure personal hygiene. The key idea is to dry yourself immediately so that you don't catch a chill. We are in sunny island, not some cold winter wonderland so I guess that shouldn't be an issue.
Where did the "you may wipe yourself down" come from? I will need a proper bath.
2) No! DO NOT wash your hair!!
The compromise: If you really want to, use a dry shampoo.
In my brain: Most of my mommy friends who have used the dry shampoo have commented about how it actually made them feel worse. The scalps itch and they don't feel clean. Not at all.
I can compromise and wash my hair on alternate days. But not cleaning it for one whole month? Ewwwww...Can you imagine not washing your hair for 30 days?
I can already picture bacteria and whatever tiny creepy crawlies building nests in my tresses.
How is that hygienic?
That book, the one written by the TCM doctor, even states that hair should be washed regularly, but ensure it is dried properly immediately after. See? Nothing about not cleaning your hair for one month.
3) You must not drink water. You can only take red-date tea, longan tea...
The compromise: Um.. there's no compromise. Perhaps a more diluted red date tea?
In my brain: Erm.. Okay... But let's not be too rigid here. I have a friend who was refused water and the poor girl got a fever.These drinks are 'heaty'. So if I really do need water to quench thirst, just give me some. I'll make sure longan-red-date-tea > water. Either that or make the tea really diluted ok?
4) You MUST sit down while eating or drinking water. MUST. Do not stand.
The compromise: There is no compromise.
In my brain: Huh...? But why? Why is it a must? Like, I will try to remember if I can but let's not be too rigid here ok? Like if I really, really forget because I am just taking two mouthfuls of water, let's not be harsh on me. Or worse, send me on a guilt trip.
I once told my friends that the above restrictions may possibly cause some distress.
No one gets why I would get distressed over it. But I know what these restrictions (and the possible comments I may get from the concerned people) can do to me. The hormones may make me more sensitive and I certainly do not want to plunge into post-natal blues.
After discussing with the hubby, I might have just found a way to get around it. :)
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