Tuesday, September 17, 2013

{Dear Baby} *Scritch Scratch* Week 34

The past one week reminded me of a song I used to sing during camps.

Adapted from 'Flea Fly'
Itchy witchy scratchy wacky up and down my belly belly
Itchy witchy scratchy wacky up and down my back too

Somehow, my tummy decided to itch the night after my last gynae visit.
The next day, red ugly bumps decided they should show up too.
I thought it was an allergy like I had with the stretch mark cream a month ago.
So, I stopped applying the cream, hoping the bumps will go *poof* and disappear.

Did they go away?
Those red bumps decided that it was fun hanging out on my tummy, so, they got more friends.

By Wednesday, my whole tummy is covered with ugly red bumps that pretty much looked like acne.
Then it continued to spread to my back, my legs and (sorry) my boobs.

And they itch.like.there.was.no.tomorrow.
It feels like there were a thousand ants grinding their teeth on my tummy. (I'm not sure if ants have teeth though.)
It is horrid. They still itch now.

I googled and thought it was PUPPP. Ah.. It wasn't going to go away, huh?

I called up the clinic and brought forward my appointment because I was losing sleep from all that scratching.

Today, Dr Lee said that it wasn't PUPPP but more of an allergy. He gave me some meds to ease the itch. I'm not sure if it will work. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

We had a quick look at Baby's growth today.
It seems that Baby has grown bigger so the measurements are not exactly accurate now. But we are glad that Baby is growing well.
We received out hospital admission letter today and with more Oct moms popping early, I think it's time I really start on packing my hospital bag.

I'm off to scratch.

Mommy's weight: 60.2 kg
Baby's weight: 2259 g / 2.259 kg
EDD: Apparently I've been recording the EDD based on baby's growth. That's why it fluctuates so much. We clarified today. The EDD should be around 30 Oct.

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