Thursday, May 23, 2013

{Dear Baby} I think I felt you move!

My tumtum has been experiencing twitches and stretches by Week 14.
When I checked with my doctor, websites, and the pregnancy apps, it turned out to be something that has got to do with ligaments.
In any case, it wasn't baby's movement that I was experiencing.


Come Week 16, I read that mommies will be able to start detecting subtle baby movements.
First-time mums may not be able to tell the movement from gas, so baby movements may go undetected.
I also read that it's easier to feel babies move if the mommy is less active.

Ah... Even though I'm a first-time mommy, I pretty much turned into a koala bear, remember?

From then, I assumed all twitches and movements to be Baby having fun inside.
Just in case.

Last night, while going through our bedtime routine, I felt a weird sensation in the tummy.
Halfway through the story.
The part when Little Nutbrown Hare said " I love you right up to the MOON."

I think it was Baby!

It wasn't the regular twitch (or what I usually assume to be poking/jabbing).
It was one that made me pop my eyes wide open. ( I often read the bedtime story with my eyes closed.)
One that left me in shock for a second. One second because I needed to continue the story.
One that felt like a wave from left to right, it was almost like a mini somersault took place.

I think that was Baby. :)

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